After 30 minutes of warm up I was putting on my road flats, feeling very unsure of where I was at fitness wise. I've only been training for two weeks, the training has been consistent, but I've done just three workouts so I wasn't sure where I'd be.
I started on the far side with all the unattached runners. Right behind the guy who would eventually win the race. VT xc started on the complete opposite side, (the better side) and at the gun ran hard to take the first turn on the inside, by that time I was already at the back of the field, but the pace was pretty easy, I came through the first mile in 5:23, and I felt good. I started to make some moves, and attack as many people as I could and I was able to move up a lot during the second half of the race. Finished 46/94, at 25:53. Here's the results.
XC runners seem to race a lot differently than triathletes. Most of the running I watch is ITU triathlon, where guys run in packs, surge, and attack eachother constantly. I don't have any experience in xc running so I emulated the ITU style of running. All the XC guys seemed just run hard and steady the entire time. This probably comes with experience of how to hold a threshold pace in a race, something I want to learn before I race the Ntelos 8k in Richmond.
For those who don't know about ITU check this out. My favorite triathlete Simon Whitfield, taking a win in the states.
Another bad ass race comes compliments of Alistair Brownlee at World Champs this year. An ultimate goal in sport for me would be to line up a Continental Cup/World Cup so it's cool to watch these.
Anyway fun night tonight, season should be good.
Rest Well.