Friday, December 26, 2008

back in Richmond

Home is great. Training is going well., just putting in some work making sure I don't get dropped by SG (bike racer)when I go down to Florida for some training early January.

This trip is looming, and I have to make sure I don't completely kill myself, so just a little bit of hard stuff, which is usually the fun stuff. Keeping in mind that spot on the Owen Cup loop where JZ thinks he will drop me (is this inevitable?), and that jackass who always plays "Sally Save Up" so he can toast me at the end of masters.

And about the hard stuff. If the hard stuff wasn't the fun stuff then whats the point of any of the stuff cuz the racing is certainly not going to be a taste of easy stuff.

It sucks when people complain about sets and times and intervals, (unless they are really fast of course, and the 1:10 on the 10x100 is just "annoying.") They've earned their right to complain. Everyone else, shut up. It's late, I need to chill.

Anyway not much of an update because A.) it's simply too late B.) I'm taking my blogging to the next level, just not this time

Rest Well.

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